On Thursday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Departure Lounge Desembarque invites you to attend an interactive workshop at St. Michael`s and All Angels Church concerning formulation of an […]
Talking about how and where I want to die can be difficult, but it will not kill you. Many of us put off this conversation, but this is unwise as it is […]
Meditation: A pathto inner-peace andserenity throughmindfulness. DATE: Wednesday,May 10th, 2023. TIME:6-7pm. LOCATION:“Pastoral MeetingSpace”, St. Michaeland All AngelsAnglican / EpiscopalChurch, Cuernavaca. Buddhist Meditation-Dhamma Talk-May 2023_flyer
American Legion and American Benevolent Society to host U.S. Embassy agencies in Cuernavaca as a service to local American Citizens (AmCits).The embassy’s key Federal Benefits Unit and the American Citizen […]
Presentation to be held at St. Michael's and All Angels Church about a topic that is of concern for our community. Photo: Jürgen Hoth
DIPLOMADO EN TANATOLOGIA HUMANISTA PRESENCIAL ••OBJETIVO: Lograr que el participante desarrolle aptitudes y habilidades necesarias para llevar a cabo una labor de acompañamiento tanatológico humanista. A través de su […]
DIPLOMADO EN TANATOLOGIA HUMANISTA PRESENCIAL ••OBJETIVO: Lograr que el participante desarrolle aptitudes y habilidades necesarias para llevar a cabo una labor de acompañamiento tanatológico humanista. A través de su […]